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  1. 1 day ago · Running speedtest-go on my OpenWrt router is returning unrealistic speeds. Is this true for anyone else? My plan is 1000 MBps down and 100 MBps up, yet: # speedtest-go speedtest-go v1.7.7 (git-dev) @showwin ISP: xxx Found 20 Public Servers Test Server: xxx Latency: 25.431325ms Jitter: 1.641004ms Min: 23.815317ms Max: 28.311769ms Packet Loss Analyzer: Running in background (<= 30 Secs) Download ...

  2. 1 day ago · - 使用知名且稳定的DNS服务器,例如Google DNS、Cloudflare DNS、OpenDNS等,它们通常具有更强的防御能力,能够抵御DNS污染。 5. **使用本地DNS解析服务**: - 部署本地的DNS解析服务器,如Unbound或BIND,自行管理和维护DNS解析,减少对外部DNS服务的依赖。 6. **DNSCrypt**:

  3. 1 day ago · Automatic Platform Optimization ( APO ) aymanalfaqas (@aymanalfaqas) 25 minutes ago I use Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)Does it conflict with Super Page Cache for Cloudflare You must be logg…

  4. 1 day ago · Cloudflare menyediakan layanan DNS yang cepat dan aman dengan alamat dan untuk IPv4 serta 2606:4700:4700::1111 dan 2606:4700:4700::1001 untuk IPv6. Mengapa Memilih DNS Cloudflare? Kecepatan Cloudflare DNS dikenal karena latensi yang rendah, yang berarti waktu yang lebih cepat untuk mengakses situs web.

  5. 1 day ago · Cloudflare has launched a new free feature in its Internet services that allows automatically block bots from Artificial Intelligence (AI) companies that they use to perform ‘web scraping’, in order to prevent them from collecting data from their clients’ websites.

  6. 1 day ago · Cloudflare 的 DNS 服务因 BGP 劫持和路由泄漏而中断; ChatGPT for Mac 曝光聊天记录:OpenAI 修补漏洞; RockYou2024 新密码列表泄露近 100 亿个密码; 云API攻防之云服务端点侦查; 某付费短剧影视小程序后端审计(0day) FreeMarker模板注入原理分析; 一文理解OpenStack网络

  7. 1 day ago · Однак, незалежно від доброчесності компаній у сфері ШІ, деякі власники сайтів не хочуть, аби ШІ-боти сканувати їхній вміст. Для них Cloudflare запустила новий інструмент і зробила його ...

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