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  1. 1 day ago · Amazon was founded on July 5, 1994, by Jeff Bezos in Bellevue, Washington. [6] The company originally started as an online marketplace for books but gradually expanded its offerings to include a wide range of product categories. This diversification led to it being referred to as "The Everything Store". [7]

  2. 11 hours ago · Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is among the world's richest people. A video of the e-commerce ex-CEO is doing rounds on the internet, where Bezos is seen talking about his morning routine and more.

  3. 12 hours ago · Im Jahr 1916 wurde John D. Rockefeller der erste Dollar-Milliardär der Weltgeschichte. Auf die heutige Zeit umgemünzt, errechnete das renommierte Wirtschaftsmagazin Forbes entspricht Rockefellers damaliger Reichtum heute rund 300 Milliarden US-Dollar – mehr als ein Elon Musk, Bernard Arnault oder Jeff Bezos.

  4. 12 hours ago · 亞馬遜集團(Amazon)創始人傑夫貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)終於可以挑戰馬斯克(Elon Musk)的太空版圖了!貝佐斯的太空企業「藍色起源」(Blue Origin)宣布,新格倫火箭(New Glenn)已運到佛州卡納維拉爾角太空中心的第36 號發射場(LC-36) 。

  5. 12 hours ago · JEFF BEZOS AGAINST MUSK. Bezos, the Amazon founder turned space entrepreneur, has lodged a formal complaint with the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). He is seeking to impose limits on SpaceX’s activities. Blue Origin’s grievance centres on SpaceX’s upcoming Starship-Super Heavy (Ss-SH) launch system.

  6. 1 day ago · The county prohibits using landscape fertilizer with nitrogen or phosphorus from July through February. | @The Convergence of ICT, the Environment, Climate Change, EV Transportation & Distributed Renewable Energy

  7. 12 hours ago · Жилийн өмнө Америкийн ерөнхийлөгчийн хүү Монголд ирж маш ховор Монгол Алтайн угалз агнаад явсан. Түүний араас тус улсын чинээлэг иргэд ховор ангийн агнуур хийхээр манайхыг зорих болжээ. Тэдний нэг болох шүдний эмч ...