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  1. By Melinda French Gates Co-chair, Board Member, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The foundation’s Gender Equality Division works to accelerate progress toward a gender-equal world by identifying and dismantling the barriers that prevent women and girls from exercising bodily autonomy, planning for and starting healthy families, and being ...

  2. July 2011: The foundation awards grants to 16 researchers around the world to develop reinvented toilet technologies based on innovative approaches and engineering processes. August 2012: We host a two-day Reinvent the Toilet Fair at our headquarters in Seattle to showcase sanitation projects and reinvented toilet prototypes.

  3. Grant opportunities. The foundation awards the majority of its grants to U.S. 501 (c) (3) organizations and other tax-exempt organizations identified by our staff. (Tax status definitions) (Glossary of terms) Request for proposals (RFP): We are a nonprofit fighting poverty, disease, and inequity around the world. The foundation awards the ...

  4. We use a standard four-phase process to develop all of our grants and contracts. The duration of each phase depends on the complexity of the project as well as the capacity and geographic location of the prospective partner. Phase 1: Concept Development. Our program officers are experts in their field. They work to identify ideas that support ...

  5. Digital public infrastructure, or DPI, is similar to roads, which form a physical network essential for people to connect with each other and access a huge range of goods and services. These goods and services are vital in creating economic opportunity across many sectors-including finance, health, and agriculture.

  6. What documents will applicants need to complete? The typical set of documents includes an investment document (including a proposal narrative), a budget, and sometimes a results framework and tracker. Once a grant is approved, the grantee will typically rely on the investment document progress narrative section, and grant budget to report ...

  7. By Allan Golston President, U.S. Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Our efforts to improve postsecondary success, which go back more than a decade, puts students at the center and is guided by these beliefs: Educational opportunity should not depend on race, ethnicity, or income. Colleges and universities can be critical agents of change ...