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  1. James Longstreet photographed by Matthew Brady. Library of Congress. An excerpt from Longstreet's memoirs describing his actions on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg. Chapter XXVII--Gettysburg--Second Day. The stars were shining brightly on the morning of the 2d when I reported at General Lee 's head-quarters and asked for orders.

  2. James Longstreet’s Daring Advance. At the Battle of the Wilderness in May 1864, James Longstreet delivered a dramatic blow designed to secure a decisive Confederate victory. But his wounding halted the attack short of complete success. This article appears in: May 2014.

  3. James Longstreet (Edgefield District (South Carolina), 8 januari 1821 – Gainesville (Georgia), 2 januari 1904) was een van de meest vooraanstaande Zuidelijke generaals van de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog.Na deze oorlog was hij een van de weinige leiders uit het verslagen Zuiden die hun medewerking verleenden aan de regering van de Verenigde Staten, die hij diende als bestuurder en diplomaat.

  4. James Longstreet summary: James Longstreet was born in Edgefield District, South Carolina, the 3rd son of James Longstreet and Mary Ann Dent. He attended United States Military Academy and after graduating became a second lieutenant in the 4th US Infantry. His first two years of service were spent at Jefferson Barracks.

  5. James Longstreet was the only non-Virginian of Robert E. Lee’s early corps commanders—Stonewall Jackson, A. P. Hill, Richard Ewell, and J. E. Stuart—a singularity that Longstreet noted with disapproval, thinking there was a prejudice in favor of Virginians.

  6. James Webb, 5 th New York (USA) Chinn Ridge was a swirling maelstrom of humanity. Through the smoke the Union soldiers could see Longstreet’s battle line swiftly approaching. Though the men would not have believed it, at this moment they were the Union army’s only hope of survival. 7. “Up to the fence and give them hell!”

  7. James Longstreet (Edgefield, 8 de Janeiro de 1821 – Gainesville, 2 de Janeiro de 1904) foi um importante general dos Exército dos Estados Confederados que lutou na Guerra Civil Americana e foi um dos principais subordinados do general Robert E. Lee, que o apelidou de "meu Velho Cavalo de Guerra".Longstreet comandou o principal corpo de exército de Lee em algumas das mais famosas batalhas ...