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  1. Jul 21, 2015 · (9 Dec 1937) Field Marshal von Mackensen reaches 88. Seen at country home. Band outside door. Close shot of the aged man in uniform speaking and saluting.Fin...

  2. Appointed to the General Staff in 1880, Mackensen was promoted to General a la suite of Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1901. Mackensen fought in all of the major attacks on the Eastern Front during the First World War, initially as a corps commander (XVII Corps) in Prittwitz's Eighth Army. In August 1914 he played a major role at the battles of Gumbinnen ...

  3. Mar 5, 2020 · In this episode of Out of the Foxholes, we answer some community questions on what August von Mackensen did in World War Two, if there was a shortage on Fren...

  4. August von Mackensen (1849-1945), son of an estate manager, joined the Prussian Leib-Husaren Regiment Nr. 2 as a one-year volunteer in 1869 and took part in the Franco-Prussian War. After an interlude at the University of Halle, Mackensen reentered the army as second lieutenant in 1873 and began an astonishing career.

  5. August von Mackensen (ou´gŏŏst fən mä´kənzən), 1849–1945, German field marshal. In World War I he defeated the Russians in the battle of the Masurian Lakes (1914–15), conducted successful operations in Galicia, Serbia, and Romania, and in 1917 occupied Romania.

  6. August von Mackensen (1849-1945), son of an estate manager, joined the Prussian Leib-Husaren Regiment Nr. 2 as a one-year volunteer in 1869 and took part in the Franco-Prussian War. After an interlude at the University of Halle, Mackensen reentered the army as second lieutenant in 1873 and began an astonishing career.

  7. Generalul von Mackensen: Obsesia pentru glorie și moarte. 📁 Primul Război Mondial. Autor: Ionel-Claudiu Dumitrescu. Anul 1914 a adus începutul primei conflagrații mondiale, politicienii și militarii dorind glorie, putere și sânge pentru a atinge mai multă hegemonie la nivel regional și planetar. Se călca pe cadavre pentru prestigiu.