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  1. I Ching, the classic Book-of-Changes. This is, with the same functionality for throwing coins and reading the answer as I Ching Online.NET, but without save-reading option. When you click Continue you will be redirected to I Ching Online.NET (*) where you can cast the coins, read the answer and if you like, save your reading in ...

  2. The I Ching Today: A Guide to Personal Development and Growth. In contemporary times, the I Ching's relevance extends far beyond its traditional use in divination, emerging as a profound guide for personal development and growth. Its teachings, deeply rooted in the principles of balance and change, offer valuable insights for those navigating ...

  3. Yi Jing ( Hanzi: 易經; Pinyin: Yìjīng atau I Ching ( Wade-Giles) atau Kitab Perubahan; juga disebut Zhouyi, adalah salah satu karya tertulis tertua di Tiongkok. [1] I Ching adalah teknik peramalan yang tertua, paling terkenal dan paling sering digunakan di Cina. Buku ini merupakan kumpulan dari kebijakan-kebijakan Cina kuno yang tak lekang ...

  4. As an important component of Chinese traditional culture, the I Ching's influence throughout history has been profound. The I Ching (Yì Jīng), or Classic of Changes, which dates from over 3,000 years ago, is believed to be one of the world's oldest books. The two major branches of Chinese philosophy, Confucianism and Taoism have common roots ...

  5. It contains 64 hexagrams and texts on how to understand them in the case of divination. You find links to all of the hexagrams and their divinatory texts below. Hexa in hexagram means six, which refers to the six lines that form a hexagram. Each of these lines can be solid or broken. That means there are 2 6 = 64 possible combinations of lines ...

  6. I Ching. The I Ching, also known as the Book of Changes or Yijing, stands as a cornerstone of Chinese philosophy, offering insights into the cosmos, divination practices, and the interplay of yin and yang. This ancient text, rich in history and wisdom, continues to fascinate scholars, practitioners, and seekers of wisdom around the world.

  7. › iching › personalI Ching - Facade

    The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the lower trigram Li (Fire), which is transforming into Ken (Mountain). As part of this process, brightness and warmth are giving way to stillness and obstruction. The first and most popular I Ching site, offering FREE readings since 1993!

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