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  1. Apr 9, 2020 · The OSM E x tended API (or xapi, pronounced zappy) is a read-only API protocol, based on a modified version of the OSM main API, that provides enhanced search and querying capabilities. It offers search queries for some common simple use cases and helps to take load off the main API. In particular, it reimplements the standard map request such ...

  2. JOSM (Java OpenStreetMap Editor) is an advanced editor for OpenStreetMap (OSM) written in Java. It is more powerful and complex than iD, can be used for bulk editing, off-line or on an unreliable Internet connection. It can be extended with plugins, custom presets and more extensions. Homepage:

  3. Oct 17, 2023 · The code that runs is composed of independent components that work together to provide an API, Slippy Map, and other bits of functionality. The Rails port is the Ruby on Rails application that powers; it's where OSM's pages and basic API originate.

  4. nominatim.orgNominatim

    Find places by name or address (Geocoding) Nominatim can power the search box on your website, allowing your users to type free-form queries (“Cafe Paris, New York”) in any language. It also offers a structured query mode (“postcode=12345”, “city=London”, “type=cafe”) that helps you to automate geocoding of extensive address lists.

  5. Downloading and using OSM data. There are many ways to use OpenStreetMap data. It is possible to download raw data for a certain area, entire countries or regions, or certain features such as roads or buildings. There are also many ways to use use existing sets or of OpenStreetMap data, such as map images, routing software and more.

  6. OpenStreetMap has an editing API for fetching and saving raw geodata from/to the OpenStreetMap database — this is the entry page for the documentation. If you just want to embed a map into a webpage, you don't want this API. Use a web map library instead. Alternatively, consider the Overpass API which provides read-only API access.

  7. Contents. Since April 2009, the current version of the OpenStreetMap editing API is 0.6. Multiple backwards compatible changes were made afterwards without increasing the version number. API v0.7 is a general term for proposed changes. Noting an idea on this page will not necessarily result in an implementation.