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  1. The Engines. Charles Babbage (1791-1871), computer pioneer, designed two classes of engine, Difference Engines, and Analytical Engines. Difference engines are so called because of the mathematical principle on which they are based, namely, the method of finite differences. The beauty of the method is that it uses only arithmetical addition and ...

  2. Charles Babbage was born on 26 December 1791, probably in London, the son of a banker. He was often unwell as a child and was educated mainly at home. By the time he went to Cambridge University ...

  3. Charles Babbage, English mathematician and inventor who is credited with having conceived the first automatic digital computer. He designed two calculating devices, the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine, neither of which were fully built. Learn more about Babbage in this article.

  4. Apr 20, 2023 · The Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine were two mechanical computing machines designed by Charles Babbage in the 19th century. Despite their differences in complexity and capabilities, the two machines shared several similarities in design and purpose, including the use of punch cards and a system of gears and wheels to perform ...

  5. Ada Lovelace, c. 1838. Credit: Science Museum. The Analytical Engine weaves algebraic patterns just as the Jacquard loom weaves flowers and leaves. 1843. Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) was born Augusta Ada Byron, the only legitimate child of Annabella Milbanke and the poet Lord Byron. Her mother, Lady Byron, had mathematical training (Byron called ...

  6. Apr 28, 2020 · Charles Babbage was born on December 26, 1791, in London, England, the eldest of four children born to London banker Benjamin Babbage and Elizabeth Pumleigh Teape. Only Charles and his sister Mary Ann survived early childhood. The Babbage family was fairly well-to-do, and as the only surviving son, Charles had private tutors and was sent to the ...

  7. Jul 18, 2023 · Charles Babbage (1791-1871) was an English mathematician, philosopher and polymath.A prolific inventor and political economist, he pioneered lighthouse signalling, designed a cow-catcher for the front end of railway locomotives, multi-coloured theatre lighting and ciphers.

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