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  1. Feb 17, 2024 · 1 | H a l a m a n GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA & ORS v JUMAT BIN MAHMUD & ANOR [1977] 2 MLJ 103 FC KUALA LUMPUR SUFFIAN LP, RAJA AZLAN SHAH AND WAN SULEIMAN FJJ FEDERAL COURT CIVIL APPEAL NO 147 OF 1976 14 April 1977 Tort — Negligence — Duty of care of a teacher in controlling pupils — Whether risks of injury forseeable — Question of causation — Whether teacher took reasonable steps to ...

  2. Sep 2, 2004 · Dalam keputusan di Mahkamah Tinggi, hakim menyebelahi plaintif, tetapi setelah dirayu di Mahkamah Rayuan dalam kes Government of Malaysia & Ors. v. Jumat bin Mahmud & Anor17 Hakim memihak kepada perayu dengan alasan: 1. Guru tidak mendedahkan plaintif kepada kecederaan yang boleh dijangkakan.

  3. Raja Azlan Shah FJ (as he then was) in GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA & ORS. v. JUMAT BIN MAHMUD & ANOR. [1977] 2MLJ 103 at page 104 para D had this to say : "It is accepted that by reason of the special relationship of teacher and pupil, a school teacher owes a duty to the pupil to take reasonable care, for the safety of the pupil.

  4. Entitled by the name Kow Nan Seng v. Nagamah & Ors and Government of Malaysia & Ors v. Jumat bin Mahmud & Anor. This court case contains the facts of the cases, the courts decisions and as stated in the table of contents. 4 Case study Government of Malaysia & Ors v. Jumat bin Mahmud & Anor 4: Parties’ involved. Government of Malaysia & Ors as ...

  5. Noraiza Abdul Rahman 7 CAUSATION IN FACT Single Cause 8 CAUSATION IN FACT Single Cause – Ju at s case • In Government of Malaysia & Ors v Jumat bin Mahmud & Anor [1977] 2 MLJ 103, the plaintiff injured his right eye when another pupil pricked his thigh with a pin causing him to turn round and the eye came into contact with the sharp end of ...

  6. May 2, 2015 · Dalam kes Government of Malaysia & Ors. v. Jumat Bin Mahmud & Anor., plaintif asal telah tercedera akibat perbuatan nakal kawannya sehingga akhirnnya menjadi buta pada sebelah mata. Mahkamah Tinggi telah memutuskan bahawa pihak guru telah cuai dalam penyeliaannya.

  7. Apr 19, 2021 · Government of Malaysia & Ors. (1981) 2 MLJ 27 [8] Nurul Atikah binti Mustafa Kamal (seorang kanak-kanak mendakwa melaluibapa atau wakil litigasi, Mustafa Kamal bin Omar) v Nurazlina Suriani binti Zulkifly & Ors [2019] MLJU 178 [9] Silvadurai A/L Kunnary & Anor V Pengetua Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Chung Hwa Asahan, Muar, Johor & Ors ...