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  1. 21 hours ago · Select all that apply. It means that people can trust you, it is an important quality to have in a leader, it gives value to your degree or credentials. Which of the following are example of academic dishonesty? I. giving someone else your work to serve as a "reference". II. copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit.

  2. 21 hours ago · 1) dual sovereignty - being charged under state criminal law does not prevent you from being charged under federal criminal law as well. 2) multiple offenses are valid as long as one element of the crime is different for each of the offenses. "white slave trade". importing foreign women for the purposes of prostitution.

  3. 21 hours ago · Thinking. __________ is a purposeful, organized cognitive process that we use to understand the world and make informed decisions. Thinking Creatively. Using our thinking process to develop ideas that are unique, useful, and worthy of further elaboration is __________. Illumination.