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  1. Euripides - Tragedy, Classics, Greek: The dates of production of nine of Euripides’ plays are known with some certainty from evidence that goes back to the official Athenian records. Those plays whose dates are prefixed by c. can be dated to within a few years by the internal evidence of Euripides’ changing metrical techniques. Though tragic in form, Alcestis (438 bc; Greek Alkēstis) ends ...

  2. Eurípidés byl řecký dramatik, básník a filozof, který se narodil v roce 480 př. n. l. (Salamis). Eurípides zpracoval tradiční mýty originálním způsobem, kdy odkrývá psychologii jednotlivých hrdinů, a to zvláště žen.

  3. Euripides ( tiếng Hy Lạp: Εὐριπίδης) (khoảng 480 – 406 tr CN) là một trong ba nhà kịch vĩ đại của Athena thời Hy Lạp cổ điển, cùng với Aeschylus và Sophocles. Một số học giả cổ đại quy 95 vở kịch cho ông nhưng theo Suda (cuốn bách khoa toàn thư Byzantine thế kỉ 10) cho là ...

  4. 16 Mac 2024 · Volver al inicio de la página. " Electra " (Gr: " Elektra " ) es una tragedia del antiguo dramaturgo griego Eurípides Cuenta la historia de Electra y su hermano, Orestes El libro, escrito en una época muy tardía de la historia de la humanidad, se centra en la muerte de Agamenón, su padre, y la venganza de éste contra su madre, Clitemnestra.

  5. Medea By Euripides Written 431 B.C.E Translated by E. P. Coleridge. Dramatis Personae NURSE OF MEDEA ATTENDANT ON HER CHILDREN MEDEA CHORUS OF CORINTHIAN WOMEN CREON, King of Corinth JASON AEGEUS, King of Athens MESSENGER Scene Before MEDEA's house in Corinth, near the palace Of CREON. The NURSE enters from the house. NURSE.

  6. Euripides was the youngest of the three principal fifth-century tragic poets. From shortly after his death his plays were the most popular of any tragic poet and were repeatedly reperformed throughout antiquity wherever there were theaters. Aristotle seems to have regarded him as a close second to Sophocles and cites him again and again as a model for tragic writers, as well as occasionally ...

  7. › wiki › EuripidesEuripides - Wikipedia

    Euripides. Marmeren buste van Euripides. Romeinse kopie van een Grieks origineel uit de 4e eeuw v.Chr. Museo Pio-Clementino te Rome. Euripides ( Oudgrieks: Εὐριπίδης, ca. 480 v.Chr. – 406 v.Chr.) was een van de drie grote Griekse tragediedichters, naast Sophokles, met wie hij persoonlijk bevriend was, en Aischylos .