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  1. 6 days ago · 6th July 2024, 05:36 GMT+10. China's largest automaker, SAIC Motor, has demanded an official European Union hearing regarding tariffs on imported electric vehicles that took effect Friday, pending a final decision in November. The tariffs imposed by the EU add provisional duties of up to 37.6% on Chinese EV imports.

  2. 6 days ago · SAIC Motor, which faces a 37.6 per cent tariff on exports of its EVs to Europe, has requested a hearing from the European Union after the punitive measure came into effect on Thursday.

  3. 6 days ago · Chinese EV manufacturers, such as SAIC Motor Corp, have announced their intention to challenge the tariffs through legal channels, highlighting potential flaws in the EU’s investigation process and calculation of alleged subsidies.

  4. 5 days ago · SAIC Motors meanwhile said it would officially request a Commission hearing on its provisional tariffs, adding that Brussels' investigation involved commercially sensitive information.

  5. 6 days ago · En este contexto, dos gigantes del sector, SAIC y Volkswagen, están dando pasos significativos en China a través de su ‘joint venture’, con la ambiciosa mira puesta en la producción y comercialización de modelos híbridos enchufables y eléctricos puros a partir del año 2026. En un anuncio reciente, las dos empresas han oficializado ...

  6. 5 days ago · China's SAIC Motor seeks European Commission hearing on EV tariffs BEIJING (Reuters) -China's SAIC Motor will request a hearing from the European Commission on the extra duties it faces, the company said on Friday, as the European Union's provisional tariffs on made-in-China EVs took effect.

  7. 6 days ago · SAIC Motors mengatakan, perusahaan akan secara resmi meminta sidang Komisi tentang tarif sementara. Korporasi menambahkan, penyelidikan Brussels melibatkan informasi sensitif secara komersial. Sementara itu, perusahaan Geely dan BYD tidak segera menanggapi permintaan komentar tentang apakah mereka akan membuat permintaan serupa.

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