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  1. 2 days ago · Parler: Je parlais (I was speaking) Tu parlais (You were speaking) Il/Elle parlait (He/She was speaking) Nous parlions (We were speaking) Vous parliez (You were speaking) Ils/Elles parlaient (They were speaking) Usage: Ongoing past actions: Je regardais la télévision quand il a téléphoné (I was watching TV when he called).

  2. 5 days ago · The past tense in French can be particularly challenging, as it involves different forms and uses. This guide aims to simplify these concepts, providing clear explanations and examples for each type of past tense in French: passé composé, imparfait, plus-que-parfait, passé simple, and passé antérieur.

  3. 3 days ago · Mais, il y a 4 verbes qui n’ont pas besoin de prendre la deuxième partie (« pas », etc.) à la négation, surtout quand suivis par un verbe à l’infinitif. Découvrez les 4 verbes qui n'ont pas besoin de «pas» à la négation. Voici les verbes : Oser. Cesser. Pouvoir.

  4. 3 days ago · Học tiếng Pháp với Iker và Aïda để khám phá các sinh hoạt văn hóa tại Paris.

  5. 4 days ago · I imagine I could say "I will do it when she comes" instead of no.1 and the meaning would be similar. No.2 means that I am in the middle of doing something when she comes. I could say something similar using future continuous "I will be doing it when she comes".

  6. 6 days ago · We use will: to express beliefs about the present or future. to talk about what people want to do or are willing to do. to make promises, offers and requests. would is the past tense form of will. Because it is a past tense, it is used: to talk about the past.

  7. 3 days ago · Parler d’une habitude passée 💭 « Would » est aussi employé pour décrire des habitudes ou des actions répétées dans le passé, similaire à « used to ». ↪️ Par exemple : « When I was a kid, I would visit my grandparents every summer » évoque une action répétée dans le passé. Exprimer la condition au passé 😱