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  1. 20 hours ago · Summer is finally here. Weather conditions will gradually improve from Tuesday, July 16, 2024, reports Météo France. From Thursday, the sun will shine in most regions and temperatures will rise everywhere.

  2. 20 hours ago · It is now a certainty: even if one last disagreement remains to be settled and clarified, eight matches of Ligue 1 will be broadcast on the platform DAZN while a poster (probably choice #1 or choice #2, depending on the week) will return to beIN Sports from this 2024-2025 season.

  3. 20 hours ago · The essential • Nitazenes are new, powerful and potentially deadly synthetic drugs that are causing concern in Europe and Belgium.• Stronger than fentanyl, nitazenes are said to be 500 times more powerful than morphine and come mainly from China.•

  4. 20 hours ago · E6 återinvigs av kungen nästa veckaOnsdag 3 juli återinvigs E 6:an vid Stenungsund av kung Carl XVI Gustaf. Motorvägen trasades sönder av jordskredet som drog fram natten… Källa: dagensnyheter - 7. / 63 Läs mer »

  5. 20 hours ago · スウェーデンの王位継承順位は 1810年にエレブルーで招集されたリクスダーゲン 国会 と国王カール13世が共同で承認した ...

  6. 20 hours ago · Kung Carl XVI Gustaf 40 år.. 1986...Boken innerhåller 10 sidor. 18 jul 11:43. 59 kr 0 bud. FDC 1967-06-16, GVIA, 70 ö placerad mot mitten, Vinjett 5. 50 kr Köp nu.