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  1. › wiki › UtopiaUtopia - Wikipedia

    In the 21st century, discussions around utopia for some authors include post-scarcity economics, late capitalism, and universal basic income; for example, the "human capitalism" utopia envisioned in Utopia for Realists (Rutger Bregman 2016) includes a universal basic income and a 15-hour workweek, along with open borders.

  2. 烏托邦(拉丁語: Utopia ) ,也稱「理想鄉」(和製漢語,曾為魯迅《華蓋集》中使用)、「無何有鄉」(無何有之鄉此句話出自《莊子》之逍遙遊篇)、「泰世」、「大同世」(康有为),是一个理想的群体和社会的构想,名字由托马斯·摩尔的《乌托邦》一书中 ...

  3. Room Rental Trusted By Over 4500 Tenants, Zero Deposit, Free Wifi, Free Cleaning & Repairs, Near To LRT & Trains, and Flexible Contract. Utopia Co-Living Rooms From RM550.

  4. a perfect society in which people work well with each other and are happy. 乌托邦;理想中的完美世界. Try and imagine a perfect society, a utopia, in which the government really got everything right. Humans, in the developed world at least, are as close to utopia as they are ever likely to be, argues the professor.

  5. 烏托邦(拉丁語: Utopia ) ,也稱「理想鄉」(和製漢語,曾為魯迅《華蓋集》中使用)、「無何有鄉」(無何有之鄉此句話出自《莊子》之逍遙遊篇)、「泰世」、「大同世」(康有為),是一個理想的群體和社會的構想,名字由托馬斯·摩爾的《烏托邦》一書中 ...

  6. 乌托邦,本意是“没有的地方”或者“好地方”。. 延伸为还有理想,不可能完成的好事情,其中文翻译也可以理解为“乌”是没有,“托”是寄托,“邦”是国家,“乌托邦”三个字合起来的意思即为“空想的国家”。. 空想社会主义 的创始人 托马斯·莫尔 ...

  7. 柯林斯高阶英语词典. Everyone has a dream that one day they can reach Utopia. 每个人都憧憬着终有一天能够到达理想乡. 期刊摘选. Thus, the construction and " the hope " of their communicative theories would become a dream of rootless " Utopia ". 因而, 其交往理论的建构及展望变成为 “ 无根 ” 的 ...

  8. 乌托邦》(Utopia)是英国空想社会主义学者托马斯·莫尔创作的游记,首次出版于1516年。 该书分两卷,第一卷借一位旅人之口,谈他周游列国所见,由此而导入对英国当时情况的观察与批判;第二卷才是对以“乌托邦”命名的一个想象的国家的描述。

  9. utopia 意思是: 乌托邦; 1551年,源自现代拉丁语Utopia,字面意思是“无处”,由托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More)创造(并用作他1516年关于一个在法律、社会和政治制度方面达到最高完美的想象岛屿的书的标题),源自希腊语ou“不”+ topos“地方”(参见topos)。

  10. UTOPIA meaning: an imaginary place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect

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