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  1. A compilation of interrogations of Hamas terrorists responsible for the #October7massacre. In the interrogations, they admit to a litany of crimes against humanity including rape, beheading, child killing and more. The interrogations are graphic and disturbing. Please report back, to let us know you’re okay.

  2. Ukrainian Writer and Activist, Victoria Amelina was Critically Injured today while attending a Meeting of International Journalists and Writers at the RIA Lounge Bar inside of a Shopping Mall in the City of Kramatorsk, which was Hit by a Russian S-300 Surface-to-Air Missile; Victoria reportedly suffered a Severe Brain Injury and is currently undergoing Surgery at Kramatorsk Hospital 3 in hopes ...

  3. After the breakthrough of the first defense line of the Russian military on the Zaporizhzhia Front, the Defense Forces had the opportunity to maneuver equipment and troops. Suspilne. How the Russian invaders react to the breakthrough of their first line of defense. The situation in the Zaporozhye direction. The advance of the Ukrainian military ...

  4. Even though it’s 5 days old, and it’s some bad news, I’m going to post it just for informational purposes. The Russian Armed Forces allegedly retook Verbove of the Tokmak direction, and maintain control. The Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out successful assaults in the Horlivka region.

  5. He now estimates 1-1.5 years left for russian storage. A faster removal would explain how they've managed 7 crazily intense months of offensives, and look like continuing for months more. And if Ukraine doesn't crack over the summer, it'll have been a hugely wasteful gamble by Putin.

  6. Were the April 30 strike to be confirmed as having been performed by ATACMS, it would be the most massive single ballistic missile strike carried out by Ukraine since Russia’s Feb. 2022 invasion. In the past, according to battle and news reports, the Ukrainians had launched a maximum two ATACMS at a time.*.

  7. Total russian production+refurbs estimated to hit ~2 million in 2025. BAE source (sorry, twitter) Subtext: 2025 western shell production should overtake russian. And russian warehouses seem very likely to be drained by then. So western politicians could choose to give Ukraine fire superiority in 2025 . In_Fidelity.