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  1. 23 hours ago · Parque 'offshore' de Vestas 'Borkum Riffgrund 2', en Alemania. Foto: Istock. El próximo 30 de agosto se cumplirá un año del crash bursátil de Orsted, que marcó un antes y un después para el ...

  2. 23 hours ago · 据日媒报道,2023年中国在风力发电机的专利竞争力方面反超欧洲最大企业维斯塔斯(Vestas)所在的丹麦,首次跃居世界首位。中国企业正在通过有助于削减成本的风车大型化来提高技术能力,已达六成的全球份额有望进一步扩大。

  3. 23 hours ago · 据日媒报道,2023年中国在风力发电机的专利竞争力方面反超欧洲最大企业维斯塔斯(Vestas)所在的丹麦,首次跃居世界首位。中国企业正在通过有助于削减成本的风车大型化来提高技术能力,已达六成的全球份额有望进一步扩大。

  4. 23 hours ago · 據日媒報道,2023年中國在風力發電機的專利競爭力方面反超歐洲最大企業維斯塔斯(Vestas)所在的丹麥,首次躍居世界首位。中國企業正在通過有助於削減成本的風車大型化來提高技術能力,已達六成的全球份額有望進一步擴大。 2024年7月6日, 俄羅斯衛星通訊社

  5. 23 hours ago · Almanya, Kuzey Denizi'nde kurulması planlanan yeni bir açık deniz rüzgar çiftliği projesinde 18.5 MW 'lık dünyanın en büyük rüzgar türbinlerini kullanacağını açıkladı. Ancak bu haber Avrupa genelinde tepkiyle karşılandı. Zira yapılan tedarik anlaşmasına göre Almanya, bu türbinleri Çin’den satın alacak.

  6. 23 hours ago · Richard Quigley MP made it clear he is pushing for regulation when he joined the Wightlink Users Group in Ryde this morning (Saturday) as they protested against the cross-Solent operator, calling ...

  7. 23 hours ago · This CSOV will be deployed over three years at an agreed utilisation rate per annum under its Vestas Framework Agreement, with its first stop being Taiwan. According to 4C Offshore Market Intelligence, there are 14 CSOVs and 29 service operation vessels (SOV) in operation worldwide as of 8 Mar 24, with the majority contracted in Europe.

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