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  1. 16 hours ago · Mark Wahlberg y la oportunidad de trabajar con Halle Berry. El veterano actor de Hollywood considera que esta cinta es toda una oportunidad para él, ...

  2. 16 hours ago · Mark Wahlberg has solidified his position as one of the most recognizable leading actors in Hollywood. Even with four decades in the entertainment industry, he shows no signs of slowing down soon. Renowned for his relentless work ethic, Wahlberg always has multiple projects in the pipeline, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating his upcoming films.

  3. 16 hours ago · Mark Wahlberg has hailed his on-screen romance with Halle Berry in their new movie as "every guy's fantasy" The 53-year-old actor - who has Ella, 20, Michael, 18, Brendan, 15, and 14-year-old ...

  4. 28 minutes ago · DREAM SCENARIO - Mark Wahlberg is ‘living every guy’s fantasy’ but admits onscreen romance is ‘a little weird ...

  5. 16 hours ago · Mark Wahlberg (53) ist neben seinem Schauspieltalent insbesondere für seine Wandelbarkeit bekannt. So sah man ihn bereits in stark übergewichtigen Rollen sowie in extrem durchtrainierten ...

  6. 16 hours ago · Leikarinn Mark Wahlberg ákvað að láta raka á sér hárið fyrir nýtt hlutverk í stað þess að nota hárkollu. Wahlberg er nær óþekkjanlegur eftir raksturinn. Whalberg er þekktur fyrir að leggja sig allan fram þegar kemur að leiklistinni. Hann fórnar svo sannarlega útlitinu fyrir nýjasta hlutverkið sem er fyrir myndina Flight ...

  7. 16 hours ago · Netflix often takes advantage of the summer months to launch some of its most action-packed bets. In 2023, Gal Gadot took the lead Agent Stone, And this year it is the turn of The Union, a new spy thriller starring Mark Wahlberg y Halle Berry, which arrives on the platform on August 16.

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