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    15 hours ago · Carl Jung (1875–1961) was an early western explorer of eastern religious practices. He clearly advocated ways to increase the conscious awareness of an individual. Yet he expressed some caution concerning a westerner's direct immersion in eastern practices without some prior appreciation of the differing spiritual and cultural contexts.

  2. 7 hours ago · Secondly, as famous psychologist Carl Jung has said in his writings on psychology that 'man wears masks' and he calls these — 'persona'. It’s a fact that most of us wear various masks in order to seek acceptance, commendation and praise. However, this mask does not represent our real self.

  3. 15 hours ago · Salah satunya Carl Gustav Jung, seorang psikolog asal Swiss dalam bukunya “Psychologycal Types” yang diterbitkan pada 1921. Dia mengatakan, jika introversi (introvert) dan ekstroversi (ekstrovert) merupakan dua orientasi dasar manusia yang mempengaruhi individu berinteraksi dengan dunia luar dan mengarahkan energi mereka.

  4. Jul 10, 2024 · Die ewigen Ordnungen der Natur und des Menschenlebens. Marc Aurel, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Carl Gustav Jung, Mircea Eliade u.a. Diese Schrift versucht, eine Antwort auf das monumentale Werk Oswald Spenglers „Der Untergang des Abendlandes“ zu geben, durch die Besprechung von fünf beispielhaften Tagebüchern. Daraus geht hervor: Der kulturelle ...

  5. 15 hours ago · Arung berupaya menganalisis psikologi diri sendiri seperti Carl Gustav Jung—seolah-olah itu sudah menjadi obsesi proyek ambisiusnya. Penciptaan ini merupakan riset dengan menjadikan proses kelangsungan hidup entitas yang bergantung pada kapasitas refleksi diri, untuk menghasilkan penalaran kritis bagi dirinya sendiri dan masyarakat seni, dan ...

  6. 15 hours ago · Carl Jung: The Swiss psychiatrist, famed for his contributions to psychoanalysis, ventured into the realm of the paranormal and reincarnation. Jung contemplated the possibility of living in former centuries, driven by a sense of unfulfilled tasks that could only be addressed through rebirth.

  7. 15 hours ago · Renowned psychoanalyst Carl Jung once said, “The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” This quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of dealing with commitment issues. What might seem like a fear of commitment could be a person’s unique way of dealing with relationships and life.

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