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  1. 21 hours ago · TIN: You note that “Alan Dershowitz is 85; four years older than Biden, but I watched his podcasts and he’s as sharp as a tack.” I made a similar comment (see below) about my 85-year old neighbor. I just want to tell everyone that Alan Dershowitz is not my neighbor. (But I would have loved to hear his views on a lot of things.)

  2. 21 hours ago · Alan Dershowitz is irrelevant and was one of Epstein's clients. He's a typical "analyst" on Fox. No one cares what he has to say. Nope you're completely wrong. Pretty much half the country, if not more, really does care what he has to say

  3. 21 hours ago · Some on the far left are having wet dreams over their fantasies of killing Trump and arresting republicans etc. Of course the immunity decision does not allow for this but the far left loves authoritarianism. Now they think they have a way to become dictators. These people need to be defeated...

  4. 21 hours ago · Tässä tilanteessa Israelin johtajilla on vaarallisen voimakas vaikutus Washingtonin sisä- ja ulkopolitiikkaan (Walt ja Mearsheimer 2007; Dershowitz 2006; Dulles 1953-1959). Toisekseen Venäjä ei ole hyökännyt Ukrainaan.