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  1. 6 hours ago · The Coalition opposition, under Peter Dutton, has begged to differ. Here was a chance to return to familiar terrain: the Australian energy market, seen as a culture war. In June, some details of the nuclear vision were released. Nuclear plants and reactors are envisaged at seven sites with extant working or shuttered coal-fired power stations.

  2. 6 hours ago · La7d ORE 23.30Io e Annie. Regia di Woody Allen. Un Film con Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Tony Roberts, Carol Kane, Paul Simon, Shelley Duvall, Janet Margolin, Groucho Marx, Sigourney Weaver, Rashel Novikoff. Titolo originale: Annie Hall. Genere Commedia - USA, 1977. Il film, come quasi tutti quelli di Woody Allen, è scopertamente autobiografico.

  3. 6 hours ago · WHEN INSULTS HAD CLASS. These insults are from an era before the English language. got boiled down to 4-letter words. Insults then, had some class! "I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; Bring a friend, if you have one." - George Bernard Shaw. "Cannot possibly attend first night, I will attend the second,

  4. 6 hours ago · Fiona Apple (born 1977) – singer-songwriter. Jacob Appel – (born 1973), short story writer, bioethicist, born in New York City. Diane Arbus (1923–1971) – photographer. Nate Archibald (born 1948) – professional basketball player. Edward Arnold (1890–1956) – actor. Rosanna Arquette (born 1959) – actress.

  5. 6 hours ago · Virtuóz vígjáték a Woody Allen ősatyjaként is számon tartott Groucho Marx életéről. Zseniális humorú monológok és rövid szkeccsjelenetek váltják egymást, amikből kiderül, hogy lett egy New York-i c…

  6. 6 hours ago · Ich fürchte nicht. Ich war einmal bei einem Pessach-Seder bei Groucho Marx, und er sagte immer wieder: "Wann kommen wir zum Wein?" Das ist also meine Erfahrung. Ich ging zur Bar Mizwa, und das war das einzige Mal, dass ich im Temple Beth Shalom war. war zu der Zeit nicht so viel los. Die Autoreifen der Leute wurden vor dem Tempel aufgeschlitzt.

  7. 6 hours ago · Meine gute Freundin, die spirituelle Lehrerin und Humoristin Loretta LaRoche, veranstaltet unglaublich komische Workshops gegen die »Verhärtung der inneren