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  1. 1 day ago · Detektiv newyorské policie John Shaft vyšetřuje incident, jehož obětí se stal mladý černoch Trey Howard. Shaft zatkne arogantního mladého bělocha Waltera Wadea. Podle výpovědi Treyovy přítelkyně je v baru napadl, a když ho Trey zesměšnil, tak ho venku brutálně zmlátil.

  2. 1 day ago · Leo Esaki, who was a student at the department of physics during the war, shared his memory of his university life in 2007: 'The day after the Tokyo Air Raid of 9 March 1945, during which more than 100 thousand citizens were killed, professor Tanaka conducted class as usual, without mentioning the war at all'.