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  1. 11 hours ago · Saturday 6th July 2024, 1:45pm at Adelaide Oval.

  2. 11 hours ago · This systematic literature review examines the evidence base on the effectiveness of online programmes on the mental health and well-being of family carers of people with intellectual disabilities. Databases (ERIC, Medline, PsycINFO and CINAHL) were searched for intervention studies that considered online interventions for family carers of people with intellectual disabilities. Data were ...

  3. 11 hours ago · Abstract. This chapter proposes a synthesised view of the life and work of Edward Hastings Chamberlin (1899–1967), one of the leading figures in the development of industrial organisation at Harvard between the 1930s and 1950s. We provide biographical evidence which will help us to understand the source and context of Chamberlin’s main ...

  4. 11 hours ago · Formed by Annette Lorenz in Germany and Max Hammond in Ghana, this band blended European and Ghanaian music. Their album Bubuashie was a hit in Ghana despite being widely bootlegged. Andy Vans – Adjoa Amisa Released on A & V Records, UK, 1987. Composed by Andrew Quacoe. Andy Vans, active in Ghana’s 70s music scene, later moved to Switzerland.

  5. 11 hours ago · „Jsem Ruska a nepodporuju Putina. Ne každý Rus je špion, který přijel zničit Česko. Za svou rodnou zemi se stydím a zároveň ji mám ráda, bojím se návratu kvůli možnému zatčení. Mamka vyrostla ve vězeňském táboře, každý Rus má podle mě alespoň jednoho příbuzného, který sedí ve vězení,“ říká umělkyně Nona Postolenko-Lorenz. V Česku žije už víc ...

  6. 11 hours ago · Noch im Juli 2024 kommt Coldplay nach Düsseldorf. Hier gibt es eine Übersicht über die Parkmöglichkeiten, die Anreise und den Verkehr. Dortmund – An drei Abenden tritt die beliebte Band Coldplay in der Merkur Spiel-Arena auf. Fans können die Band am 20, 21. und 23. Juli 2024 auf der Bühne ...

  7. 11 hours ago · ISBN 0907649645. On 16 January 1911, accompanied by L. Hedderich, he made the first ascent of Pico Humboldt. During the same expedition Jahn and some Venezuelan surveyors made first ascents of Micanon, Tucani and Pico de los Conejos in the Sierra del Norte. A further attempt on Pico Bolίvar in 1915 failed on account of sickness in the party. Dr.