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  1. Jun 15, 2011 · Antes de fazer o exercício faça uma revisão da matéria em nosso guia: Presente Simples em Inglês – Simple Present. 1. Read the text below - leiam o texto abaixo. Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to school in the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon.

  2. Fate, normalmente, refere-se a coisas ruins, a um predestinamento infeliz. Destiny, normalmente, refere-se a coisas boas. Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês.

  3. Mar 9, 2010 · Question: Why, when and how did you start studying English? Answer: - It was my parent’s idea. It was in 1995, I was thirteen and not interested in English at all. --> Yes, I’ve already thanked them. Nowadays I continue studying it, but now because I love the language and I know how important it is to my professional career and to my future as a whole. Now it is your turn!

  4. Mar 10, 2011 · Como dizer "Exatas, humanas e biológicas" em inglês. I was wondering how I could say those 3 main divisions of knowledge. I have just looked it up on the Internet and found this: Nunca ouvi uma expressão equivalente e ao pé da letra em inglês.

  5. Hey everyone I have a doubt that is following me a long time. I wanna know what is the difference between these two words: toward and forward I often see move forwards and move towards ; go forward and go toward but I don t know how to distinguish th..

  6. They are NOT interchangeable. Context determines which will be used. (to split = To divide into usually equal shares between two or more people) A- Let's split the bill. You pay half, I pay half. B- I want to sell it to you for $500 and you want to buy it for $400. Let's split the difference: $450 and it's yours. (to share = More than one person will use, receive, or pay for the portion of ...

  7. Hello everyone, Exercício Comparação de Adjetivos Complete the blanks with the comparative form of the adjectives . For example, cheaper cheap and more beautiful beautiful . 1 This comedian is so funny He s even _______________ than the one we saw sa..

  8. murilo91 1 9 Expert Member · 20 Fev 2010, 14:39. The difference between 'll and will is that you can only use will when it is the main verb in the sentence, and in spoken english you have to use the contraction 'll when it is the auxiliary verb. In written English it will is not contracted to 'll. tanto faz usar contraçoes ou não no inglês ...

  9. Nov 10, 2012 · Exercício: Pronomes possessivos em inglês. Exercício sobre pronomes possessivos em inglês. Exercício: Texto em Inglês com: this, that, these, those. Exercício: Interpretação de texto. Pessoal, 1. Read the text below Leiam o texto abaixo Mike is twenty nine years old and lives in the USA. He has a car and his car is yellow.

  10. A 'pattern of employment' likewise suggests a picture of employment types, while 'standard of employment' suggests a level given as an average (highly skilled, univeristy-level, etc.) Both terms have their uses in this case. 1 Voto.

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