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  1. Mar 2, 2021 · With Luca The Beginning still airing and wanting to find a show to watch in the meantime, I came across A bunch of shows and thankfully a few of ya’ll recommended 18 Again. Now the show is pretty similar to the US film 17 Again staring Zac Efron. As per usual, Koreans do everything 100x time better with dramas and films and this was no exception.

  2. Nov 25, 2020 · The overarching ideas are similar and based off the 1st or 2nd episode you’d assume it’s going the American movie route because of major similar scenes like the bully confrontation scenes.

  3. Dec 4, 2020 · About your last pet peeve, I kinda agree. It would've been nice if their kids had found out and pretended not to know. I also think Da Jung should've been young again for at least one scene in the closing episode to put a ribbon on it. Even so, this show was one of the sleeper hits of 2020 for me.

  4. Sep 27, 2020 · I didn't see a lot of discussion about 18 Again but I honestly think it’s hugely underrated. Especially since Lee Dohyun is a realtively new actor perfectly pulling off the role of being a 37 year old man in an 18 year old boy’s body (reminds of that movie with B1A4 Jinyoung, who was also impressively convincing). He does a great job acting ...

  5. May 7, 2023 · 18 again has so much more depth than 17 again. The Korean producers are fantastic at creating layers in dramas and linking it all together. The young male lead is absolutely fantastic. The Korean producers are fantastic at creating layers in dramas and linking it all together.

  6. Jul 22, 2021 · 18 Again will probably one of the best kdramas I've watched this year. One of the things that I really liked is how it focuses on the family.I love the format that they only used the "villain"? for the development of the main characters and how they didn't spent a lot of screentimes on them. I actually thought the black nail guy would be a crucial part in the story, but it turns out he's just ...

  7. Jan 24, 2021 · I too watched 17 Again as an excited teenager the week it was released at the cinemas, with all my equally excited little friends. Suffice to say, I was a fan, and that I watched the movie countless times over the next few years (and still wouldn't mind a rewatch every now and then, lol). Honestly, I don't think this knowledge from the film bothered me at all while watching the drama.

  8. Jan 19, 2021 · PS: I have been a Lee Do Hyun fan since Hotel De Luna, but 18 again, pretty much solidified that fact. I look forward to watching more from this incredibly promising actor! PS: As a recommendation, you guys might consider Come Back Ahjussi. Oh Yeon Seo did a brilliant performance as a middle aged gangster in woman’s body. I thought it’s ...

  9. Aug 15, 2021 · I really enjoyed 17 again as a fun movie when I was a kid so I picked up 18 again on a slow day thinking it'd be a fun show to watch and get myself back to kdramas. But like you said, the show over-delivered and how! I absolutely loved the way they handled it. All the actors were so brilliant in their roles. I often find the writing drop in kdramas post the 8th episode, but I enjoyed this show ...

  10. Feb 6, 2021 · I was initially hesitant to begin this drama as I had watched its Western counterpart, 17 Again,multiple times over the years. I couldn't imagine how anything more could be added to the story to have it fit 16 episodes .But I was quite surprised by how the drama was handled. It stuck to the same basic storyline as in the movie , but gave so much more depth to the characters. The characters ...

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