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  1. Jan 14, 2020 · The four types of brahmacari that I know are: naisthika-brahmacari, brahma-brahmacari, prajapatya-brahmacari and savitra-brahmacari (I'm guessing that savitra-brahmacari is another name for gayatra-brahmacari which you mentioned).

  2. 0. The concept of Brahmacharya has been best described by Patanjali in the Yoga-Sutra: Brahmacharya-prastisthaayam viryalaabhah (2.38) When walking in the awareness of the highest reality (brahmacharya) is firmly established, then a great strength, capacity, or vitality (virya) is acquired. brahmacharyya= walking in awareness of the highest ...

  3. The man who do not discharge (veerya skalanam) his semen is called brahmachari. Even after the marriage a man can be bhrahmachari without having intercourse with wife. This is a very deep subject and one needs lot of wisdom to understand this concept. A man can be brahmachari even after having intercourse with a woman. There are many perfect ...

  4. 8. In Hinduism, Yogi is defined as a person who follow these 4 rules. Brahmcharya (Pure Body) Shudhdhta (Pure mind) Pavitrata (Pure soul) Satsang (Sat means GOD and sang means communion) To keep your soul in communion with GOD, Pure Body is the first need. People always bow to Rishies, sages, they actually bow to their pure life.

  5. Jul 29, 2017 · Atonement for voluntary discharge of seminal fluid for a Brahmachari is as given below: Manu Smriti 11.117. Twice-born men who have committed (other) minor offences (Upapataka), except a student who has broken his vow (Avakirnin), may perform, in order to purify themselves, the same penance or also a lunar penance. Manu Smriti 11.118.

  6. Dec 8, 2018 · I have read of Swami Sivananda explain the below as breaks to Brahmacharya: Darshan – looking at a member of the opposite sex with carnal desire. Sparsha – desire to touch, embrace or be near a person of the opposite sex. Keertan – praising his or her qualities to your friends. Keli – amorous sport with the opposite sex.

  7. Mar 2, 2021 · According to the vedas a man who is from the age till 25 should be a brahmachari. The preservation or semen or ''virya'', will then transform into ojas, nourishing the brain and he will reap numerous benefits. Now, in the modern world how should youngsters from 12 to 25 use this principal? Many engage at least once a week in masturbation.

  8. May 6, 2019 · 4. No he wasn't because he had married. There are four orders of life in Hinduism viz: Brahmacharya (studentship), Grihasta (householder) Vanaprashtha (retired) and Sannyasa (renunciate). A Naishthika Brahmachari is one who lives in the first order of life perpetually i.e. till his death. He does not marry.

  9. Apr 19, 2023 · 'Can I masturbate?' - technically, yes. 'Will that make me impure?' - also, yes. it is hard to control lust, especially between age 16 and 30. it is very hard to fight it once the thought has entered your head. the best method is to prevent such thoughts from entering. the easiest way to avoid them is to avoid watching lustful pictures, and to avoid eating lustful food - meat, alcohol, onion ...

  10. Jul 30, 2017 · Voluntary waste of seminal fluid amounts to breaking of the vow for a Brahmachari student. EDIT- As shown in this answer breaking a vow is an upapAtaka or a minor sin. And upapAtaks can be atoned by applying the following means as well. IMO, these methods are relatively less cumbersome to perform than the one given above ( donating one eyed ass ...

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