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  1. comrades-in-arm是不对的 展开全部 comrade-in-arm的复数形式应该是comrades-in-arm,因为组合词语复数都在中心单词处改变,这里comrade是中心单词

  2. Jul 16, 2012 · arms是武器,军队。. 这里的comrade in arms 是战友的意思。. He invited all of his ______ to join his wedding partycomrade-in-arms 是名词性复合结构,它的中心是名词comrade,所以名词的复数屈折变化应当体现在comrade上。. 但是,如果表达的是“战友们”这个意思的话,B选.

  3. Jun 8, 2011 · 不可混淆哦 希望对你有帮助!. 祝你学习愉快! He invited all of his ______ to join his wedding party你好 应该选A中文解释是战友的意思。. ARMS在这里可以借代军队ARMY此处可以联系学习 brother-in-law 等等 一般为单数 此处ARMS其实也是单数 代表军队不可混淆.

  4. Jul 16, 2013 · arms指复数吗? 2014-10-12 是this is arm还是this is arms 2007-01-25 arm和weapon 在“武器”这层涵义上有什么区别? 2015-04-01 arms医学上是什么意思 2018-03-05 this is my arm还是arms 2006-02-26 weapon和arms之间的区别是什么? 2009-08-29 comrades-in-arms是什么意思?

  5. arm为复数时,还有“兵器、武器”的意思,比如be under arms的意思就是“处于备战状态”。 up in arms有两个用法——进行武装斗争;竭力反对。 1、arms有“武器”的意思,而up in arms这个用法正是从“在战场上使用武器”而来。原本的意思为备好武器,随时准备战斗 ...

  6. Though he holds in his arms the earthbride, the sky is ever immensely away. 天空虽然想把大地新娘抱在怀里,却总是无限遥远。 24 God seeks comrades and claims love,the Devil seeks星星。 slaves and claims obedience. 上帝寻找同志而要求爱,魔鬼寻找奴隶而要求服从。 25

  7. The meeting with the old comrades-in-arms is a joyful one. 与老战友的那次聚会是一次欢乐的聚会。 已赞过 已踩过. 你对这个回答的评价是 ...

  8. Jun 4, 2012 · 时间状语. 为什么不能是Because they saw this, some comrades became very worried. Seeing this, some comrades became very worried. 这里的Seeing this做什么成分?. 谓语,独立主格结构.

  9. Comrades, Red Army and Red Navy men, commanders and political instructors, men and women guerrillas! The whole world is looking to you as a force capable of destroying the brigand hordes of German invaders. The enslaved peoples of Europe under the yoke of the German invaders are looking to you as their liberators. A great mission of liberation ...

  10. a. have b. have been c. is d. are. 答:D. 析:本题考主谓一致和语态。. 作品与know是被动关系,排除A. last works是复数,排除C. have been known是现在完成时的延续用法,句子中缺乏for+一段时间,排除. 译: 他写了几本书,但是他最后的作品只在朋友中流传。. 评:本题的 ...