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  1. 1 day ago · Hyundai Rotem's K2 Black Panther tank underwent live-fire testing at the Smârdan training range in Romania in May 2024. A month prior, a senior Korean military official stated that "The schedule for the first local live-fire test of Hyundai Rotem's K2 Black Panther tank in Romania has been confirmed.

  2. 34 minutes ago · PGZ S.A. is currently conducting negotiations with Hyundai Rotem to ensure that Korean equipment acquired by the Polish Ministry of National Defence can be integrated, produced and polonized in PGZ companies to the greatest extent possible and the service and maintenance of K2 tanks will be carried out using the resources and infrastructure of ...

  3. 34 minutes ago · Jamila Mbarouk, TRC Head of Communication unit said in a statement yesterday that the government through the firm procured 10 sets of EMU manufactured by Hyundai Rotem of South Korea. Jamila said that the two sets make a total number of three sets arrived so far adding that the first set arrived in April this year and was under test drive.

  4. 1 day ago · Il s’agit du français Alstom, des espagnols Talgo et CAF, du sud-coréen Hyundai Rotem et du chinois CRRC. Les choses sérieuses commencent pour l’appel à concurrence DC01/PM/2023 de l’ONCF pour le projet d’acquisition de rames automotrices.

  5. 1 day ago · Na Wzgórzu Świętego Wojciecha w Poznaniu trwają intensywne prace nad nowym Muzeum Powstania Wielkopolskiego. Ponad 500 pali o długości kilkudziesięciu metrów ma za zadanie zapewnić ...

  6. 1 day ago · Parkschein in der Mittelkonsole zieht Knöllchen nach sich. Eine schlechte Idee ist es indes, das Parkticket in der Mittelkonsole zwischen Fahrer- und Beifahrersitz zu platzieren. Dort ist er nicht gut sichtbar, wie das Amtsgericht Schwerin (Az.: 35 OWi 83/23) urteilte. Die Folge: Trotz eines gültigen Parkscheins droht Ihnen ein saftiges ...

  7. 34 minutes ago · Генеральний секретар НАТО Єнс Столтенберг заявив, що Альянс на майбутньому саміті у Вашингтоні, який пройде 9-11 липня, обговорить з Південною Кореєю шляхи побудови практичної співпраці щодо України.

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