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  1. Oct 6, 2009 · Senior Member. Français (Québec) Oct 6, 2009. #2. Séance = one meeting (of a committee, for instance) Session = a series of meetings (or séances) related to one another. For instance, we call session parlementaire the months during which the members of a Legislative Assembly sit. Its members meet several times during that time span.

  2. Feb 25, 2008 · Member. Canada; English. Feb 25, 2008. #2. "The meeting is called to order/The meeting is adjourned." If a person is officiating: "I call the meeting to order/I adjourn the meeting." For "séance", you could also use the English word "session" if it involves a legislature or a government committee of some sort. P.

  3. Jan 15, 2009 · Jan 15, 2009. #1. Bonjour, Je suis en difficulté avec ce mot "séance": j'ai toujours utilisé le premier "séance", le 2ème n'existe meme pas dans le dictionnaire, mais apparement on peut le trouver dans des articles de journeaux ou en general en internet. Est-ce que c'est une orthographie differente du mot qui est quand meme juste?

  4. Aug 22, 2012 · Aug 22, 2012. #1. J'essaie de traduire cette expression de français en anglais. "Nous devrons convoquer et animer une séance de prise de contact entre les personnes ressources." "We will need to convene and host a networking session for our resource people." Est-ce que cela vous paraissez convenable?

  5. Aug 5, 2022 · Bulgaria. Bulgarian. Aug 5, 2022. #2. Hello! Anybody in there? I can see a door that leads to the storage behind the shop, so I am effectively asking if there is anyone 'there'. Or maybe just: Hello!

  6. Feb 7, 2007 · Which is correct? Nous approchons du but ,ou nous nous approchons du but Au fur et a mesure que la seance approche, ou que la seance s'approche If they are all correct but with differences of meaning, please expain. Thanks Moderator note: multiple threads merged to create this one

  7. May 29, 2011 · Massachusetts, U.S. English - U.S. May 29, 2011. #2. "Is that make sense?" is, as you say, wrong. "Is that making sense?" would apply if someone had been trying for a long time to understand something and the speaker thinks that he or she finally sees a bit of understanding start to emerge. "Does that make sense?"

  8. Feb 10, 2015 · Feb 10, 2015. #1. Buenas, ¿Cómo se dice firma de libros en francés? Ej.: Mañana hay una firma de libros en esta librería. ¿Podría ser, séance de signatures o séance de dédicace? Gracias de antemano. T.

  9. Aug 17, 2020 · persian. Aug 17, 2020. #3. Barque said: It shows, very eloquently, that she had remarkable abilities or powers. It's in the dictionary, with a very similar example provided to illustrate definition 2. tribute - Dictionary of English. Thanks Barque. and, "its" in " right conditions for its unfoldment" refer to "mediumship" or ...

  10. Dec 30, 2008 · Enfin à la dernière séance, elle met des mots sur ce qu’elle vit « j’ai peur…mais j’ai peur », elle nous agrippe et veut sortir de la pièce.

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