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  1. 4 days ago · L'Homme Qui Avait Vendu Sa Peau/The Man Who Sold His Skin. 上映日:2021年11月12日. 製作国: チュニジア. フランス. ベルギー. スウェーデン. ドイツ. カタール. サウジアラビア. 上映時間:104分. ジャンル: ドラマ. 3.6. あらすじ. 主人公サムは、当局の監視下にあり国外へ出られなくなってしまう。 海外で離れ離れになってしまった恋人に会うためなんとかして出国したいと考えていた彼は偶然出会った芸術家からある提案を受ける。 それは、背中にタトゥーをし、彼自身が”アート作品”となることだった…。 芸術品となれば大金を得ることができ、展覧会の度に海外にも行ける。

  2. 5 days ago · Sam Ali wordt van zijn grote liefde gescheiden en ontvlucht Syrië. Hij ontmoet de beroemde en provocerende kunstenaar Jeffrey Godefroi, die van ongebruikelijke objecten waardevolle kunst maakt. Hij biedt Sam de mogelijkheid naar Europa te kunnen reizen door zijn rug beschikbaar te stellen.

  3. Sep 17, 2024 · Subsequent examinations of his home showed that he had systematically robbed graves and collected body parts, which he used to make household items, clothing, and masks. Also discovered on the property was the head of Mary Hogan, a tavern operator who had disappeared in 1954.

  4. The road to the Oscars for “The Man Who Sold His Skin” was paved with critical acclaim at international film festivals. Its nomination is seen as a victory for independent cinema and a sign that stories from the Global South are gaining recognition on the world stage.

  5. Sep 8, 2024 · Regie: Kaouther Ben Hania | 104 minuten | drama | Acteurs: Yahya Mahayni, Dea Liane, Koen De Bouw, Darina Al Joundi, Christian Vadim, Wim Delvoye, Monica Bellucci, Saad Lostan, Jan Dahdouh, Marc de Panda, Najoua Zouhair, Husam Chadat. Een visum voor Europa krijg je niet zomaar.

  6. Sep 3, 2024 · Peter Cook and Dudley Moore's Bedazzled is a classic British comedy focusing on a young man who trades his soul for seven wishes granted by the delightfully devilish Lucifer. This 1967 film offers an innovative and hilarious depiction of the consequences of making a deal with the devil, cleverly exploring the numerous ways in which such ...

  7. 2 days ago · The Man Died recounts his detention under the General Yakubu Gowon-led military government in the late 1960s, where he spent nearly two years in isolation, often denied basic materials to write or ...