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  1. Chinese Malaysians, also commonly called locally as Malaysian Chinese, are Malaysian citizens of Han Chinese ethnicity. They form the second-largest ethnic group, after the Malay majority, and are 22.8% of the Malaysian population.

  2. 馬來西亞華人 ,也称 大馬華人 [註 2] ,是 马来西亚 的本地民族之一。 马来西亚华裔主体是清朝末年及民国成立後自 福建 、 廣東 、 廣西 和 海南 等地遷徙至 馬來亞 的移民及其後代 [3] 。 在馬來西亞公民中,本土华人是第二大民族,總數約有690萬人 [1] (不含未具公民資格者)。 马来西亚华人佔马来西亚公民的23.2% [1] ,主要分佈於 吉隆坡 (首都)、 喬治市 ( 檳城州 )、 亚罗士打 ( 吉打州 )、 加央 ( 玻璃市州 )、 怡保 ( 霹靂州 )、 芙蓉 ( 森美兰 )、 新山 ( 柔佛州 )、 古晉 ( 砂拉越州 )、 亞庇 ( 沙巴州 )和 馬六甲市 ( 馬六甲州 )等各大城市 [4] 。 歷史.

  3. Malaysian Chinese, also known as Chinese Malaysians, refer to people of full or partial Chinese blood who were born in or immigrated to Malaysia. Most of them are descended from immigrants - likely of Han Chinese ancestry - who arrived between the mid-19th and early 20th century.

  4. Jan 24, 2023 · Malaysian Chinese is the second largest ethnic group in Malaysia after Malay, comprising almost 23% of the population. Malaysian Chinese form the second largest community of Overseas Chinese in the world. Let’s discover together this uniqueness of Malaysia by going through the facts & history of Malaysian Chinese.

  5. Feb 6, 2024 · 华社研究中心(271806-T). Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies (Registered Under Companies Act 1965) No. 1, Jalan Maharajalela, 50150, Kuala Lumpur. 03-22734035.

  6. Jun 12, 2024 · Chinese Malaysians are proud of Chinas rise as a great power. But they have also forged a separate cultural identity quite apart from China’s efforts. China’s rise has rekindled civilisational pride among some overseas Chinese communities, including those in Malaysia.

  7. 马来西亚华人公会 (英語: Malaysian Chinese Association ),简称 马华公会 或 馬華 (MCA),成立于1949年2月27日 [5] [6] ,原名 马来亚华人公会 , 马来西亚 成立后改为现名(马华公会) [7] 。 马华公会是一个代表 馬來西亞華人 的政党,该党所有党员皆是由 馬來西亞華人 公民组成。 该党虽然一开始是代表 馬來西亞華人 的政党,但在独立前就与 巫统 及 国大党 合作组成 联盟 ,在独立前至1960年代初期中曾获华人广泛支持。 1960年开始因 新加坡独立 、华文独立大学事件等,加上 民政党 与 民主行动党 的竞争,使其华人支持率接连受到挑战,但在 林良实 时期曾经一度攀上高峰,获得大部分华人支持。

  8. To foster, safeguard, advance and secure the political, social, educational, cultural, economic and other interests of Malaysians of Chinese descent by legitimate and constitutional means; To consider, assist and deal with problems affecting its members as a whole and to take steps as may be necessary for their welfare and advancement;

  9. Jul 5, 2023 · The Chinese in Malaysia are a very heterogeneous grouping. Malaysia has Cantonese, Hokkien, Teochew, Hakka, Hainanese and Henghua sub-groups. These groups all have different dialects, some differences in social customs, have different cuisines, and followed different occupations.

  10. History. China has a long history with Southeast Asia, and by the time of the Portuguese conquest of Malacca in the sixteenth century, there was already a small community of Chinese there. Large-scale migration of Chinese from south China, mainly from the provinces of Fujian and Guangdong, to Malaysia took place in the nineteenth century.

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