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  1. 14 hours ago · When he assumes charge, Dubey will also become the first CEO of Indian origin to lead a Japanese group, joining the ranks of Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai, Arvind Krishna, Shantanu Narayen, and ...

  2. 21 hours ago · Nadella fordert Gewinnbeteiligung. Wie WCCF Tech jetzt berichtet, sollen Nadella und Microsoft einen Gewinnanteil von OpenAI fordern. Durch einen Vertragsabschluss mit Apple befürchtet man, dass ...

  3. 21 hours ago · 5 Nasihat Terkait Norma Masyarakat yang Tak Selalu Harus Dijalankan. Dia menekankan pentingnya peningkatan literasi keluarga mengenai perlindungan data pribadi yang dapat dimanfaatkan para pelaku kejahatan siber. Menurutnya, setiap orang harus sadar mereka memiliki data umum maupun spesifik yang harus dilindungi. Kurangi penggunaan gawai.

  4. 21 hours ago · Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Resigns From Starbucks Board. Starbucks said that Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella had resigned from its board of directors after seven years in the role.

  5. 21 hours ago · “Microsoft is very focused on understanding the source of the code we use and understanding its security. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella sent a letter to employees, stating that security is our top priority as developers, as engineers, and as a company. We are a company of engineers, and the focus should be on security.

  6. 21 hours ago · CEO-ul companiei, Satya Nadella, a declarat în mai multe rânduri, inclusiv la un eveniment din toamna anului trecut, că vede IA ca pe o platformă „la fel de semnificativă ca PC-ul”. Declarația este importantă, având în vedere că Microsoft a fost multă vreme compania dominantă în ceea ce privește construirea PC-ului ca platformă.

  7. 21 hours ago · 博蒙特声称,微软"应该召回Recall"并重新设计该功能,以解决所有隐私问题,尤其是考虑到萨蒂亚-纳德拉(Satya Nadella)曾说过,工程师应该将安全放在首位。 你可以在凯文的 Medium 帖子中阅读全文:

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