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  1. 8 hours ago · With this I can start the containers. However the first container (I don't know about the second) has no internet access. I tried to pip install something in the jupyter notebook and it failed. I also did. docker exec -it my_jupyter /bin/bash. (base) jovyan@9ea976cbdc32:~$ curl -I

  2. 8 hours ago · The experiments were performed on Google Research Colab, also referred to as Colab, which is a cloud-based platform that provides a user-friendly interface for executing Jupyter notebooks . Colab offers an extensive range of pre-installed libraries and frameworks frequently utilized in tasks involving data analysis, ML, and Deep Learning.

  3. I've been using Fog of World Assistant for years, but they stopped developing it 6 years ago and now it crashes when I try to export. I know I can use Google Maps, but I enjoyed drawing with the pencil, found it very therapeutic.

  4. 8 hours ago · In Python, a set is an unordered collection of unique elements. It is a powerful data structure that allows efficient membership testing and eliminates duplicate values. Adding contents of an iterable to a set is a common operation in Python, and it can be done using various methods. Method 1: Using the set() Function The […]

  5. 1 day ago · 最后,将Google Drive挂载到Colab的文件系统中,以便于数据集的使用以及代码的保存(Colab的文件系统在每次新的会话开始时都会重新初始化,不会保留之前会话中。通过查看具体的样本,可以确认数据是否符合预期,并且可以发现潜在的格式或内容问题,用于确保 ...

  6. 8 hours ago · まだ6月なのに連日暑くて、大変です。 ジャガイモ 今日はプランターに植えていたジャガイモを収穫してみました。 プランターをひっくり返してジャガイモを採りました。 2つのプランターから結構収穫できました。 あと、3種類植えていたので、他のジャガイモの収穫も楽しみです。 トマト ...

  7. 8 hours ago · Then Alexey Pyltsyn helped us manage volunteers to translate the surveys in over 25 languages, Sarah Fossheim gave us a hand with accessibility, Chris Kirk-Nielsen contributed some amazing t-shirt and logo designs, Kilian Valkhof pitched in to help with mobile testing, and Philip Jägenstedt helped unlock vital funding for the surveys as well as connect us with key players in the ecosystem.