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  1. 19 hours ago · On the night of March 31, 1955, Lin Huiyin, who was dying, struggled to press the call bell in front of the hospital bed. After the nurse on duty arrived, Lin Huiyin said weakly, "I want to see Sicheng...

  2. 19 hours ago · On May 21, 1935, after the puppet Manchukuo Emperor Puyi Changchun puppet Manchukuo Imperial Palace held a "personal appointment ceremony" for the members of the second puppet Manchukuo government, these puppet Manchukuo government ministers and members in...

  3. 19 hours ago · In 1955, Lin Hui died of illness, and the whole country mourned this talented female architect. However, no one expected that 7 years later, Liang Sicheng would marry Lin Zhu, who was 27 years younger than him...

  4. 19 hours ago · Those who know history should know that Hu Weiyong was the last prime minister in Chinese history, and there was no prime minister in history after Hu Weiyong's death. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang launched the Hu Weiyong case in the thirteenth year of Hongwu, no...

  5. 19 hours ago · 「北平日報(Beiping Ribao)」の1930年の統計によると、天橋地区には347の商店と劇場、439の露店、数千人の民間芸術家がいたという。

  6. 19 hours ago · On July 4, Li Wenpeng, the head of the county government, led the county government office, the emergency management bureau, the market supervision bureau, the water conservancy bureau, the urban management bureau and other relevant functional units to investigate and guide the safety production and prevention.

  7. 19 hours ago · In order to further promote the full-caliber counterpart assistance action between Shipai Education and Huangpu Town Central School in Lechang City, and further strengthen the educational exchanges and cooperation between the two places, a few days ago, the Education Management Center of Shipai Town, Dongguan City...