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  1. 13 hours ago · Perché PGIM Fixed Income resta ottimista sul lungo periodo sulla sostenibilità del debito italiano Nonostante gli impatti del superbonus sul bilancio, rimangono elementi positivi come la stabilità politica, il miglioramento dei rapporti con l'Unione europea e la crescita del Pil

  2. 3 hours ago · The contest is sponsored by PGIM Investments. “What this has done is smooth out the system, streamline it and make it easier to use,” Adam said. “The information is more useful.”

  3. 13 hours ago · 上周陸股成為亞股市場中表現最為疲弱的市場。. PGIM保德信中國品牌基金經理人林哲宇指出,6月份中國製造業PMI為49.5%,與上月持平,但已連續兩個 ...

  4. 13 hours ago · pgim保德信店頭市場基金經理人廖炳焜指出,由於ai需求遽增,市場頻傳3奈米製程明年醞釀漲價,讓晶圓龍頭大廠獲利動能可望同步提升,上週股價正式突破千元大關後,其漲跌對台股影響加劇,目前市場等待該公司法說會,將成為左右市場走勢的重要分水嶺 ...

  5. 13 hours ago · Galileo Financial Technologies' announcement of incorporating wire transfer capabilities is a noteworthy development for multiple reasons. Firstly, it positions Galileo to tap into the growing demand for fast and secure money movement services.

  6. 13 hours ago · pgim保德信中國品牌基金經理人林哲宇指出,6月份中國製造業pmi為49.5%,與上月持平,但已連續兩個月處於萎縮狀態,顯示經濟仍位於底部階段。 非製造業PMI下滑至50.5%,顯示服務業擴張也在放緩。

  7. 13 hours ago · (中央社香港2024年7月9日綜合外電報導)美國聯邦準備理事會(Fed)主席鮑爾(Jerome Powell)即將出席國會聽證會並發表演說,市場將從中一窺降息時間表的線索。投資人預期聯準會9月將首次調降利率,亞股今天普遍上揚,日股更是創下歷史新高。鮑爾上週表示,對抗通膨的戰爭已有所「進展 ...