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  1. The Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics with Honours programme at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak’s Faculty of Language and Communication is a 3-year programme designed to cultivate exceptional and competitive graduates.

  2. This program dives deep into the fascinating world of linguistics, where it explores and studies the Malay language, various Malay dialects in Malaysia and the Nusantara region, and an array of other languages and dialects found in Malaysia.

  3. The Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics with Honours programme at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak’s Faculty of Language and Communication is a distinguished 3-year programme engineered to cultivate exceptional and competitive graduates.

  4. Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Information Technology (Honours) UU6222001. SARJANA MUDA SASTERA LINGUISTIK DAN TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT (DENGAN KEPUJIAN) 08 Semester. A: STPM (Sastera) S: STPM (Sains) Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C (NGMP 2.00) pada peringkat STPM dalam mata pelajaran: Bahasa Melayu. Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred C (NGMP 2 ...

  5. The Bachelor of Arts and the Bacelor in Communication programmes are based on a holistic approach to produce well-balanced individuals who are competent in language, literature, and communication as well as knowledgeable and skilled in diverse disciplines.

  6. Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Linguistics) is a 3-year degree programme that is specifically designed to produce quality and competitive graduates. This is a unique programme that is conducted in bilingual mode (Malay and English).

  7. Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Linguistics) is a 3-year degree programme that is specifically designed to produce quality and competitive graduates. This is a unique programme that is conducted in bilingual mode (Malay and English).