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  1. 3 hours ago · Jakarta. Fri, July 26, 2024. Newly appointed Deputy Finance Minister Thomas Djiwandono (center), nephew of Indonesia's Defense Minister and president-elect Prabowo Subianto, speaks on July 18 ...

  2. 3 hours ago · JAKARTA: A possible rematch between Anies Baswedan and Basuki “Ahok” Tjahja Purnama appears to be gathering steam, with the two former Jakarta governors emerging as the top-two contenders ...

  3. 1 day ago · Jakarta (ANTARA) - University of Indonesia graduated child psychologist Saskhya Aulia Prima on Thursday shared tips to prevent post-holiday blues, or feelings of sadness or loneliness, in children after the school holidays. "Slowly restore their routine because their activities, from waking up to going to bed, during the holidays are different ...

  4. 1 day ago · In a quiet corner of Jember, East Java, the lives of two siblings, EW, 19, and SA, 17, have been devastated by online gaming addiction. Once vibrant and engaged in everyday activities, their lives took a troubling turn, leading to severe depression suspected to be linked to their compulsive gaming habits. EW had been addicted to online games ...

  5. 3 hours ago · Namun, kata Raja, Kaesang siap maju daerah manapun akan diputuskan KIM. "Kalau memang diperintahkan maju untuk kemaslahatan bersama di Jakarta, ayo. Kalau diamanahkan di Jawa tengah nomor satu, ayo, ya, nomor dua monggo. Jadi, sekali lagi, enggak lama lagi kata Mas Kaesang tadi kita tunggu keputusan bersama keputusan dari teman-teman KIM ini ...

  6. 1 day ago · News Archive. 2024. July. SEAQIS Celebrates 15th Anniversary with Climate Change Exhibition in Jakarta: SEAMEO BIOTROP Participates in Mitigation and Adaptation Efforts 2024-07-25 15:59:32; SEAMEO BIOTROP particpated at SEAMEO Inter-Centre Collaboration Meeting (ICCM) 2024 2024-07-25 15:21:13

  7. 3 hours ago ·, Jakarta - Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta bersama stakeholder terkait kembali menerapkan kebijakan ganjil genap pada hari ini jelang akhir pekan, Jumat (26/7/2024). Kebijakan ganjil genap Jakarta ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kemacetan lalu lintas dan menurunkan tingkat polusi udara di Ibu Kota.