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  1. 10 hours ago · Once upon a time, in a universe far beyond our understanding, there existed a planet called Elara. It was not an ordinary planet, for it was bathed in the radiance of three suns and surrounded by a shimmering nebula that appeared like a cascading waterfall of stars.

  2. Plus, why have a Zyra on your team when you could have a decent pick that deals more damage like, idk, Diana? Or Rumble? I'd take a Karthus that just full clears all the time. It just feels like a dumb pick for jungle, and the same goes for people who go Morgana jungle, so can someone actually explain that to me when I have these players ...

  3. Jun 29, 2024 · Zyra fantasmal es 100% free elo.Dale me gusta y comenta por favor que eso me ayuda mucho... ¡¡Gracias!!Instagram |

  4. 1 day ago · Raporti: Shtohen pikat e këmbimit valutor, pakësohen degët bankare. Deri në fund të vitit 2023, në Shqipëri numëroheshin gjithsej 11 banka, 39 subjekte financiare jobanka, 621 zyra të këmbimit valutor, 16 shoqëri të kursim-kreditit dhe 1 union i shoqërive të kursim-kreditit. Sipas të dhënave nga Raporti i Mbikëqyrjes Financiare ...