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  1. Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, or LAFA, is an art school in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China.

  2. 重要信息. 关于公布鲁迅美术学院2024年面向社会公开招聘工作人员总. 逐梦扬帆 乘风破浪——我校举行2024届学生毕业典礼暨学. 鲁迅美术学院2024年面向社会公开招聘工作人员面试工作通.

  3. 鲁迅美术学院(Luxun Academy of Fine Arts),简称鲁美(LAFA)”,位于辽宁省由辽宁省人民政府举办并管理为公办全日制艺术类本科高校新中国美术的摇篮”,也是东北地区唯一一所师资力量雄厚专业齐全办学水平和整体实力居全国同类院校前列 ...

  4. Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, or LAFA, is an art school in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China. Contents. History. Campus. Alumni. References. External links. History. The school was founded in 1938 as Luxun Academy of Arts by Chinese Communist Party leaders, including Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, in the town of Yan'an, Shaanxi Province.

  5. Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts or LAFA is an art school in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China.Established in 1938, Luxun Academy of Fine Art (LAFA) is founded and primarily focusing on education of talents in painting, sculpture and photography, as well as fashion garment, industrial product design and environmental architect.

  6. Mar 27, 2018 · After 80 years of development, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts is now a well-known art school with qualified teaching staff guiding students toward a diverse range of majors and a future of influence at home and abroad.

  7. Feb 29, 2024 · The LuXun Academy of Fine Arts ranked 493rd in China and 4810th in the World 2024 overall rankings, while got 561st place for Illustration and Concept Art. See all 37 academic rankings both national and global.