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  1. The Kayan are a sub-group of Red Karen (Karenni people), Tibeto-Burman ethnic minority of Myanmar (Burma). The Kayan consists of the following groups: Kayan Lahwi (also called Padaung, ပဒေါင် [bədàʊɰ̃]), Kayan Ka Khaung (Gekho), Kayan Kadao, Kayan Lahta, Kayan Ka Ngan, Kayan Kakhi and, sometimes, Bwe people (Kayaw).

  2. Being an indigenous tribe in Borneo, the Kayan people are similar to their neighbours, the Kenyah tribe, with which they are grouped together with the Bahau people under the Apo Kayan people group. The Kayan people are categorised as a part of the Dayak people. They are distinct from, and not to be confused with, the Kayan people of Myanmar.

  3. Nov 14, 2023 · Antara masyarakat Orang Ulu yang terbesar di Sarawak, berikut adalah 5 fakta menarik tentang masyarakat Kayan (termasuk masyarakat Kayan di Kalimantan). Sumber: meimeichu 1.

  4. Kaum Kayan mendiami tebing-tebing sungai dengan mendirikan rumah-rumah panjang. Aktiviti yang dilakukan untuk menyara hidup mereka ialah bercucuk tanam, menanam padi sawah, memungut hasil hutan dan menangkap ikan di sungai.

  5. Jul 29, 2019 · Learn about the Kayan, a headhunting tribe in Sarawak, Malaysia, and their culture, tattoos, and musical instruments. See photos and updates on Penang Travel Tips, a website for Penang attractions and properties.

  6. Oct 17, 2019 · Learn about the Kayan, a subgroup of the Karenni people, who are known for their brass neck rings and long necks. Discover their sub-tribes, refugee status, marriage traditions, and religious beliefs.

  7. Kayan, indigenous people of central Borneo. They numbered about 27,000 in the late 20th century. The Kayan are settled mainly along the middle reaches of the Baram, Bintulu, and Rajang rivers in Sarawak, Malaysia. In Indonesian Borneo they live mainly near the headwaters of the Kayan River, in the.

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