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  1. Jul 9, 2018 · A modern Bazi practitioner will probably will hear of this term Qi Sha or translated literally as Seven Killings. Qi Sha carries a very negative connotation at least to some schools of Bazi. It usually being depicted as meaning legal issues, accidents, disasters, death, danger, health issues coming.

  2. Nov 17, 2010 · The Lu stars are capable of lessening the viciousness of Qi Sha. But so is Zi Wei, which transforms Qi Sha into a star betokening power and authority. Pros and cons - The individual is chivalrous and valiant. - The person does not care about the consequences. - The native loves taking risk and chances. - He or she has a strong gambling nature ...

  3. Qi Sha is not always a Sha Qi (7 Killing is not always a Poison Arrow). Destiny Asia provides FengShui Consultation, Bazi Analysis for individuals, corporates & businesses. We strive to re-shape your destiny and help you prosper in your life through the use of authentic fengshui solutions.

  4. Is there something very unique or special about their BaZi or Four Pillars of Destiny? Yes, their BaZi must be unique and have what we called authority formation. If you do not have this authority formation can you still be a leader? Then you have to see your luck cycle.

  5. Nov 11, 2021 · The Evil Star has a more popular name, Qi-Sha. Qi is seven. Sha means evil spirit or killing. Qi-Sha implies intimidating people to follow the rules or governing people using improper approaches. The different gender element of the Career Star is called Officer Star or Zheng-Guan. The Evil Star can overwhelm, overcome, and conquer the Day Master.

  6. It's a traditional Chinese system of Destiny Science that originated from an ancient study of the star’s constellation system. The secret in Zi Wei Dou Shu is that it uses “ virtual stars ” and not actual or real stars and constellations like other astrology types. This is where the high accuracy of a ZWDS reading comes in.

  7. Jun 24, 2021 · June 24, 2021. When we talk about Chinese astrology, it is almost always about the concepts of bazi (八字) or zi wei dou shu (紫薇斗数). The former is more widely recognizable as it is often referenced in TV shows, movies, magazines, and also more widely taught by masters of Chinese metaphysics.

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