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  1. Mar 4, 2019 · The Rev. Dr. Bruce C. Birch, noted Bible scholar and former dean of Wesley Theological Seminary, tells his former international students that their General Conference votes against LGBTQ people excludes him as well.

  2. Bruce C. Birch is Dean and Professor of Biblical Theology at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC.. A native of Kansas, he received his B.A. from Southwestern College, his B.D. from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University and his Ph.D. from Yale University.

  3. Apr 27, 2005 · Lovett Weems reviews Ducking Spears, Dancing Madly: A Biblical Model of Church Leadership by Lewis A. Parks and Bruce C. Birch. The authors look at Saul, David, and other central Old Testament figures to learn about pastoral leadership.

  4. Bible and ethics in the Christian life: A new conversation. Bruce C. Birch, Jacqueline Lapsley, Cynthia Moe‐Lobeda, and Larry L. Rasmussen. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2018. 296 pages. This article develops a model of biblical authority for Christian praxis that takes fully into account its problematic dimensions.

  5. Dec 1, 2011 · Bruce C. Birch is Dean and Professor of Old Testament at Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC. He is a contributing author to volume II of the New Interpreter's Bible...

  6. Bruce C. Birch is Dean and Professor of Old Testament at Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC. He is a contributing author to volume II of the New Interpreter's Bible...

  7. Sep 1, 2005 · Bruce Birch is Dean Emeritus of Wesley Theological Seminary where he served 38 years as Professor of Old Testament and 12 years as Academic Dean. His books and articles range from scholarly works to publications aimed at enriching the life of the church for clergy and laity.