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  1. GRDF, distribution de gaz naturel en France. GRDF est au service des particuliers, des fournisseurs, entreprises, des installateurs, des prestataires, des acteurs du biométhane et des collectivités locales.

  2. Gaz de France (GDF) was a French company which produced, transported and sold natural gas around the world, especially in France, its main market. The company was also particularly active in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Germany, and other European countries.

  3. GRDF : Frances leading natural gas distribution operator. GRDF distributes natural gas to more than 11 million customers every day for heating, cooking, mobility and industrial processes, regardless of their supplier. Biomethane: the future of natural gas.

  4. Retrouvez nos offres de gaz et d'électricité verte sans engagement. ENGIE est le 1er fournisseur de gaz naturel et d'électricité verte. 📞 Service client : 39 93.

  5. Gaz de France est un groupe énergétique français, spécialisé dans l'achat, le transport et la distribution, ainsi que la commercialisation de gaz fossile, créé en 1946 et intégré au groupe GDF Suez en 2008, devenu depuis Engie .

  6. As France’s main natural gas distribution system operator, GRDF distributes natural gas to more than 11 million customers every day for heating, cooking, mobility and industrial processes, regardless of their supplier.

  7. Apr 24, 2015 · The world of energy is undergoing profound change. The energy transition has become a global movement, characterized by decarbonization and the development of renewable energy sources, and by reduced consumption thanks to energy efficiency and the digital revolution.