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  1. 12 Jun 2024 · Welcome to the English-language Wiktionary, a collaborative project to produce a free-content multilingual dictionary. It aims to describe all words of all languages using definitions and descriptions in English.

  2. www.wiktionary.orgWiktionary

    An online collaborative multilingual dictionary hosted by Wikimedia Foundation, offering free access to word descriptions in various languages.

  3. 14 Jun 2024 · Wiktionary is a multilingual dictionary (also thesaurus and phrase-book) and has distinctive content policies. Words must be attested and idiomatic (that is, words should be in use, and phrases should be commonly used idioms), and submissions should be neutral and verifiable.

  4. 14 Jun 2024 · English-language; of or pertaining to the language, descended from Anglo-Saxon, which developed in England. Those immigrants Anglicised their names to make them sound more English. 2020, Abi Daré, The Girl With The Louding Voice, Sceptre, page 187: Honest, honest, English is just a language of confusions.

  5. 2 Jun 2024 · Two interlanguage dictionaries. A reference work with a list of words from one or more languages, normally ordered alphabetically, explaining each word's meanings ( senses ), and sometimes also containing information on its etymology, pronunciation, usage, semantic relations, and translations, as well as other data.

  6. Selamat datang ke Wikikamus, sebuah projek gotong-royong untuk menghasilkan kamus yang percuma dalam setiap bahasa, dengan makna, etimologi, sebutan dan terjemahan. Wikikamus bersaudara dengan ensiklopedia kandungan terbuka, Wikipedia. Edisi bahasa Melayu ini dibuka pada 24 Mei 2004, dan sudah mempunyai 27,375 lema.

  7. 20 Apr 2024 · The purpose of Wiktionary Thesaurus is to serve the role of an electronic thesaurus—a dictionary of synonyms, near-synonyms, antonyms, and near-antonyms, and also of other semantically related terms such as hyponyms, hypernyms, meronyms, and holonyms.

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