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  1. William Miller (February 15, 1782 – December 20, 1849) was an American clergyman who is credited with beginning the mid-19th-century North American religious movement known as Millerism.

  2. Feb 27, 2023 · William Miller was a farmer, soldier, and deist who became a Christian and predicted the second coming of Christ in 1843. His followers formed the Millerism movement, which later split into different groups, such as the Seventh-day Adventists.

  3. William Miller was an American religious enthusiast, leader of a movement called Millerism that sought to revive belief that the bodily arrival (“advent”) of Christ was imminent. Miller was a farmer, but he also held such offices as deputy sheriff and justice of the peace.

  4. The prophet of doom was no bug-eyed fanatic. He was a square-jawed, honest, church-going farmer named William Miller. A former captain in the War of 1812, Miller converted from Deism in 1816.

  5. William Miller: Jesus to return in 1843. The idea of dating the return of Jesus is not new. Yet probably no one was more specific than William Miller (1782-1849). Miller was a Baptist preacher (although not ordained as far as I could tell).

  6. William Miller 1782 - 1849. Miller was a farmer, justice of the peace, sheriff, and Baptist preacher, who, from 1831 to 1844, preached the immanent return of Christ. He was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. His mother was a deeply religious person, and his father a soldier.

  7. Learn about William Miller, a farmer who became a preacher and a prophet in the 1800s. He studied the Bible and concluded that Jesus would come back in 1843 or 1844, sparking a religious revival called the Millerite Movement.