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  1. The Stella Matutina (Morning Star) was an initiatory magical order dedicated to the dissemination of the traditional occult teachings of the earlier Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Originally, the outer order of the Stella Matutina was known as Mystic Rose or Order of the M.R. in the Outer.

  2. Mar 29, 2017 · A branch of the Golden Dawn called the “Stella Matutina,” was created by members following the schism in 1902. In 1912, it chartered a temple, named “Smaragdum Thalasses,” in New Zealand. This temple survived under the name “Whare Ra” with an active membership until closing during the 1970s (Gilbert, Scrapbook 196).

  3. The Ordo Stella Matutina is a fully established Hermetic Order working within the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucian Tradition. Our teachings, training exercises, and ritual methods adhere to the original Golden Dawn and Stella Matutina, as taught by its primary founders; Dr. William W. Westcott, Dr. Woodman, and S.L. Mathers, and later through Dr. R.W.

  4. In 1903, A. E. Waite and Blackden joined forces to retain the name Isis-Urania, while Felkin and other London members formed the Stella Matutina. Yeats remained in the Stella Matutina until 1921, while Brodie-Innes continued his Amen-Ra membership in Edinburgh.

  5. Stella Matutina (Order of the Morning Star) A temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an offshoot of the outer order that broke with the Golden Dawn's chief S. L. M. Mathers, and rejected moving the London temple away from magic toward mysticism. It was founded by R. W. Felkin around 1903.

  6. The modern-day Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is a magical Order reactivated in 1977 in Columbus, Georgia. This Order’s mentor and guiding light was the late Dr. Israel Regardie, our Very Honored Frater A.M.A.G.

  7. In a Parisian manuscript of the twelfth century we find the expressions Stella marina " and lux matutina ("star of the sea" and "light of the morning") (Paris, Nat. lat. 5267). It is believed that the author of the Padua Litanies combined these two titles into one to become stella matutina.