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  1. Recruitment Talents around the World for Xidian University. May 21, 2024; The 4th International Conference on Sensing, Measurement and Data... January 5, 2024

    • About

      Renamed as Xidian University. 1988. Supported by National...

    • Schools & Departments

      Hangzhou Institute of Technology of Xidian University...

    • Admissions

      Xidian University has 59 undergraduate programs with a...

    • Research

      Collaborative Innovation Program (2011) In 2014, led by...

    • Campus

      The history of xidian university library can be traced back...

    • Global Initiatives

      When I went into the campus of Columbia University, I...

    • Undergraduate

      Undergraduate - XIDIAN UNIVERSITY

    • Graduate

      Graduate - XIDIAN UNIVERSITY

  2. Xidian University is one of China's National Key Universities managed by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Xidian University is organized into 17 schools. The university has undergraduate programs covering engineering, science, management and economics. It also offers Master's and PhD degrees.

  3. 西安电子科技大学是一所以电子信息科学技术为特色,工学、理学、管理学、文学、法学、教育学等多学科协调发展的高等学府。网站提供学校概况、新闻动态、通知公告、学术活动、招生就业、校园服务等信息。

  4. 西安电子科技大学Xidian University简称西电”,位于陕西省西安市是教育部直属的一所以电子与信息学科为特色经等多学科协调发展的全国重点大学是国家公办全日制普通本科高校

  5. Xidian University is a key national university in China that focuses on electronics and information education and research. It offers a wide range of academic subjects and has been approved by the state for various projects and programs.

  6. 西安电子科技大学 (英語: Xidian University ),简称 西电 ,历史上曾称 西军电 ,是一所位于中华人民共和国 陕西省 西安市 的公立大学,隶属于 教育部 ,学校是1959年中央确定的首批20所 全国重点大学 ,国家首批“ 211工程 ”和「 优势学科创新平台项目 」重点建设高校,“ 111计划 ”重点建设高校,入选“ 2011计划 ”,是中国最早的2所国防工业重点军校之一( 哈军工 、 西军电 并称)。 学校前身是1931年诞生于 江西省 宁都县 小布村的“无线电训练班”,1958年学校迁址西安,1966年转为地方建制,1988年定为现名。 概况.

  7. Xidian University is a research-focused institution in China that offers programmes in science, engineering, economics and social sciences. It ranks among the top 800 universities in the world and has international collaborations with over 100 partners.

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    Xidian University china