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  1. IPB University. Beranda. in Agriculture, Ocean and Biosciences for a Sustainable World. Our Recent News. News on IPB. July 22, 2024. IPB University Lecturers Encourage Agroforestry-Based BUMDes Management in Karangpari Village, Brebes.

  2. IPB University (Indonesian: Institut Pertanian Bogor, abbreviated as IPB) is a state-run agricultural university based in the regency of Bogor, Indonesia. IPB has long been considered one of the "Big 5" universities in Indonesia, along with University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, Gadjah Mada University and Airlangga University.

  3. IPB university is one of the founding higher education institutions in Indonesia, third best university nationwide, and constituted within the Top 100 universities in the world by subject Agriculture and Forestry.

  4. Tuition Fees for SNBP IPB University Academic Year 2024/2025 can be downloaded starting Friday 5 April 2024 at 13.00 WIB via the page

  5. Pendaftaran Jalur SM-IPB Program Sarjana Periode 2 T.A. 2024/2025. Pendaftaran jalur SM-IPB program sarjana untuk program studi Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence) dibuka mulai tanggal 26 - 28 Juli 2024 pukul 14.00 WIB.

  6. IPB University, or the Institut Pertanian Bogor, was founded in 1963, as a state-run agricultural university with the aim of strengthening food security, promoting bioenergy, protecting the regional environment and alleviating poverty.

  7. Pendidikan Program Sarjana di Institut Pertanian Bogor diselenggarakan dengan masa studi 4 (empat) tahun. Sejak tahun 2005, Institut Pertanian Bogor menerapkan kurikulum mayor-minor yang menawarkan lebih dari 500 kombinasi kompetensi.