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  1. The National University of Defense Technology (NUDT; 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学) is a national public research university headquartered in Kaifu, Changsha, Hunan, China. It is affiliated with the Central Military Commission .

  2. Over the past forty years, the group has mastered the large load capacity, highly stable and reliable numerical suspension control technologies for all the maglev systems over the speed range...

  3. 公示国防科技大学 2024 年公开招考文职人员相关岗位拟录用对象名单. 0724/06. 千万别错过!. 国防科大招办提醒广大考生及时了解2024年报考军队院校政治考核安排!. 教育教学ACADEMICS. 国防科大:以科技创新为牵引培养新型军事人才. 6月16日,CCTV-7《国防军事 ...

  4. National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) is a comprehensive research university listed in the national “Double First-Class” initiative. It has been constantly dedicated to cultivating...

  5. NUDT is a comprehensive university of science, engineering, military science, management, economics, philosophy, literature, education, law and history in Changsha, China. It offers 25 undergraduate, 95 master and 51 doctoral programs and has nine national key subjects.

  6. Postgraduate Education. NUDT focuses on the development of innovative mindset and practical abilities in postgraduates, and combined teaching and research in the education, having formed a...

  7. 中国人民解放军国防科技大学National University of Defense Technology),简称国防科技大学,位于 湖南省 长沙市 ,是直属 中国共产党中央军事委员会 领导的军队综合性大学,也一直是国家和军队重点建设的院校。