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  1. The Striped Catfish can be recognised by its striped colouration, barbels around the mouth, and its body shape which tapers to a point posteriorly. Small juveniles are black and large adults may be less distinctly striped.

  2. Summary: A distinctive striped catfish with an eel-like body and mouth surrounded by 4 pairs of barbels. The stripes become less distinct in adults. Brightly-striped juveniles often form dense schools of hundreds of individuals that appear to move as one. Juveniles form dense schools.

  3. When most people think of catfish, they think of a freshwater fish. But the striped eel catfish ( Plotosus lineatus) is found in marine systems including coral reefs, estuaries, tide pools and other coastal areas of the Indo-Western Pacific.

  4. Striped catfish are harvested from ponds by netting, following partial tidal gravity drainage and pumping. Cages are harvested by raising the cage netting by hand. It is normal for an entire pond or cage to be harvested

  5. How to keep Striped eel catfish in an aquarium. Get some tips on how to care for Plotosus lineatus in captivity and a list of good references for further studies.

  6. Dec 13, 2017 · This fish has bold white and black horizontal stripes as a juvenile, these become more muted as the fish matures. It has a long elongated eel-like body with extended soft dorsal and anal fins which stretch from the middle section of the body to the tail.

  7. The striped catfish is a migratory riverine fish species that makes long-distance migrations of more than several hundred kilometers between its upstream refuges and spawning habitats and its downstream feeding and nursery habitats.